Thursday 9 July 2009


Check out today's FEMAIL online for a double page spread on yours truly...

My words and some of the facts are slightly distorted. After a 2 hour interview and 3 hour photoshoot, they chose to dumb down most of what I said and print a 2 year old photo but hey!

The ONLINE COMMENTS are the most interesting part...I'm reeling from the worldwide 'interest' or denigration of my lifestyle choices!


Wild Willie o' Orkney said...

Well, that's the 'Daily Wail' for you!-or to paraphrase one of my Grandma's aphorisms "I KNOW it's (not)true - I read it in the paper"! I feel on the whole the online comments aren't too denigratory (I detected ENVY) in some of them.)Just keep thinking about the book SALES - you know what they say about 'ANY publicity'...
Dunno which of the pics is the 2yr old, but LIKED your lovely velvety frock, which showed all your lovely curves. Shame tho' that the photographer didn't ask you to tilt up your head a bit more! (S/he didn't do full justice to your swan-like neck.) The pic. with 'babyface' was cute.I bet you wanted to take him home and uck him up in bed ("Damn these typos" saith she!)

Liz said...

I've just gone and had a look at some of the comments - great article though (even better photo's!) and I thought most seemed to be in your favour - and some..... well, I think the word JEALOUS shines through them like a beacon!! You're incredibly glamorous and I for one wished I looked like you now - let alone in 10 years time!

If I were you - just think about the books your selling - and sod 'em.......... carry on having fun Wendy!!

Liz x

SoLaidBack said...

Still at it I see very amusing LOL